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Gourmet Single Serve Pods – Maud’s Coffee Review

Coffee brewers like choice. Whether you use beans or pre-ground coffee, having a large number of companies to choose from is positive, making you able to move from one to another in the search of the right coffee for your taste.

The world of single serve pods doesn’t make an exception. Over the years a plethora of brands have been born, packaging their coffee in the proprietary, or not, pods’ systems. 

Maud’s is one of them.

Mauds coffee pods

Properly named Maud’s Righteous Blends, Maud’s is a company that sells freshly roasted, 100% Arabica and tea in recyclable coffee pods. The name is an homage to the two daughters of the founders, Maddie and Aubrey. 

All their pods are fully recyclable thanks to the technology offered by Intelligent Blends. Both Nespresso original line and Keurig K-cups pods are sold by Maud’s, satisfying the needs of the most widespread pods systems in the world.

Maud’s Coffee Pod Flavors

Whether you use a Keurig or a Nespresso machine, Maud’s offers you an array of delicious coffee, ranked from 3, the lightest blends, to 10, the strongest ones. 

An organic pod and 2 decaf ones are present in Maud’s line. We will review the best ones of them, focusing on their offering for Keurig machines as it is more variegated and larger.

Maud’s Tall Dark & Handsome Gourmet Coffee Pods

Maud's Dark Roast Coffee Pods, 100ct, Recyclable Single Serve Pods – 100% Arabica Coffee, Compatible with Keurig K Cups Maker

Rated as 8 in intensity and named as “tall, dark & handsome”, you can expect an intense cup of coffee. And this pod delivers! Intense indeed, but only marginally bitter. 

It has a rich and flavorful taste profile that includes chocolate, vanilla, almond, hazelnut, banana, raspberry and even Jamaican rum. It is a complex and strong single serve pod that will leave lovers of dark roasted, intense coffee, delighted and satisfied. 

Available also as a decaf, for those who renounce caffeine only, not the strong taste.

Maud’s Gourmet Flavored Coffee Decaf

Maud's Decaf Coffee Pods Variety Pack, 80 ct, 9 Assorted Roasts & Flavors, Decaffeinated Medium Roast Coffee in Recyclable Single Serve Pods - 100% Arabica Coffee, Compatible with Keurig K Cups Maker

Speaking of coffee without caffeine, Maud’s has a whole variety pack of different decaf coffee pods for Keurig machines, in various flavors. Maud’s Gourmet Flavored Coffee offers 6 different coffee blends, with various taste profiles. 

Sister Hazelnut is smooth and has a definite hazelnut aftertaste, making it a sweet and medium-intense cup of coffee. For darker roasts, the French Toast Roast has hints of cinnamon, butter and maple syrup in a strong and intense dark roast, as the French name implies.

Gone Banana’s Fosters is decidedly sweet, with notes of banana, brown sugar, dark rum and cinnamon. Flavorful and rich, for a medium-intensity cup leaning on the sweet side. Even sweeter is Hottie Biscotti Vanilla Almond, with strong hints of toasted almond and vanilla ice cream. A much lighter roast, which will satisfy coffee drinkers in search of a sweet and light cup of coffee.

Jamaica Rum Yum is a darker tone of sweet: caramel, coconut, vanilla and sweet molasses can be discerned in these decaf pods, born to delight lovers of sugary but intense coffee.

As you can see, Maud’s has not ignored decaf drinkers, providing plenty of choice and variety for those who can’t enjoy caffeine in their coffee or simply prefer the taste of a good coffee without the jitters.

Maud’s Variety Pack 136-Count Gourmet Coffee Pods

Maud's Family Pack Coffee Pods Variety Pack, 136 ct, 12 Assorted Flavors, Medium Roast Recyclable Single Serve Pods – 100% Arabica Coffee, Compatible with Keurig K Cups Maker

Maud’s has also thought of those who can’t decide what coffee to drink. Not everybody knows what they want to drink every time. Sometimes it is nice to just take a new pod and try it, blindly.

The Maud’s Variety Pack contains 136 pods, spanning across the whole collection of coffee pods of the company for Keurig machines and other single serve coffee machines that use pods. 

All are 100% Arabica coffee, with dark, light roasts, single origins, blends and a super-diverse choice that will satisfy any coffee drinker, at least with one type. Either as an introduction to Maud’s coffee or to have the full collection to let guests sample from time to time, the Maud’s Variety Pack is an excellent, all-encompassing choice.

Maud’s World’s Best Half Caff

Maud's Half Caff Coffee Pods, 100 ct, Medium Roast Coffee in Recyclable Single Serve Pods – 100% Arabica Coffee, Compatible with Keurig K Cups Maker

If you’re sitting in the middle between those strong, high caffeine coffee lovers and the decaf fans, Maud’s World’s Best Half Caff may be the right coffee pod for you. It is a medium roast, with a low intensity rated at 5 and a very low amount of caffeine.

The coffee in these pods have been selected among those containing naturally a lower amount of caffeine. Accurately roasted and mixed to provide a great, flavorful cup of coffee with none of the possible negative effects. Banana and chocolate dominate the taste profile, with a medium roast that exalts the most delicate tones without leaving them out. A sweet, balanced and low in caffeine pod that will be liked by plenty of coffee drinkers.

Maud’s 80-Count Coffee Variety Pack

Maud's Original Coffee Pods Variety Pack, 80 ct, 9 Assorted Roasts, Dark & Medium Roast Coffee in Recyclable Single Serve Pods – 100% Arabica Coffee, Compatible with Keurig K Cups Maker

Those drinking coffee occasionally, maybe 1 cup per day at most, but still wanting to have a large sample of what Maud’s coffee is without buying the huge pack that it is the 136 pods Variety Pack, have another choice with this 80 pods pack.

Containing some of the most popular blends that Maud’s has developed over the years, like American House, Tall, Dark & Handsome, Bubbies Breakfast, Mona Lisa, Dunk Your Donut, Dreamy Creamy, Express-o Yourself and the Organic Colombian, it provides a great introduction on what the company has to offer, without needing to buy a much larger variety pack such as the 136 pod variety pack. 

This 80-Count Coffee Variety Pack contains all the different types of flavors and roasts that Maud’s coffee has on sale, from the light to the dark and from the low intensity to the most intense coffee as well.

Maud’s Mellow Mood Decaf Blend

Maud's Decaf Medium Roast Coffee Pods, 100 ct, Decaffeinated Recyclable Single Serve Pods – 100% Arabica Coffee, Compatible with Keurig K Cups Maker

One of the most popular decaf blends, Maud’s Mellow Mood Decaf is right for those slow moments of the day, when you don’t need more caffeine but a good, tasteful and mellow coffee to savor with all the attention and calm that a good coffee deserves. 

It is delightfully syrupy, sweet, with some berry-like acidity that merges with a full, chocolaty body. It is a coffee that is complex and not too intense to cover any of the flavors. Right as a good coffee should be.

Maud’s Pure Origin Organic Single Origin Variety Pack

Maud's Organic Coffee Pods Variety Pack, 56 ct, 8 Assorted Flavors, Recyclable Single Serve Pods – 100% Arabica Coffee, Compatible with Keurig K Cups Maker

For those who like their coffee single origin, the Maud’s Pure Origin Organic Variety Pack will be the first choice. Including coffee from Ethiopia, Guatemala, Sumatra and Colombia, Maud’s Single Origin Variety Pack offers a pure experience of the coffee from these countries. Most of the coffee here is of a medium to strong intensity.


Any type of coffee drinker will find some pod to love in Maud’s lineup. Decaf drinkers have a long time favorite of many in the Mellow Mood Decaf Blend. Strong espresso lovers will appreciate the French Roast From The Coast or the Tall, Dark & Handsome. 

Coffee drinkers that usually opt for medium intensity coffee will like Maud’s House Blend or the French Vanilla, both sweet and rich. And those who love a light and flavorful cup of coffee will probably lean towards the Hazelnut or Salted Caramel coffee pods. There’s a bit for everybody, truly, in Maud’s coffee pods, either for Nespresso or Keurig machine owners.